With the recent update to iOS 6.0 and the beautiful iPhone 5, it became necessary to update several of my apps to work with the new screen size. Whilst Apple
did us developers a huge favour by ensuring existing apps worked on the new phone, the “letterbox” effect detracted from the experience of owning an iPhone 5 in the first place.
When I updated uAlertMe, I took the opportunity to not only increase the screen size, but to revamp the look altogether. It now sports nice new retina artwork for both the iPhone 4/4s and the iPhone 5. In addition to this, I also thought it would be great to add some new features that have been long coming.
The most important new feature was social integration. I’ve always wanted users to have the ability to post or tweet the images received from the Mac running iAlertU, and iOS 6.0, with it’s deeply embedded support for both Twitter and Facebook, made this a natural addition.
So now, wherever you can see an image or screenshot, you will also have a handy tweet & post buttons allowing you to do just that. Just remember to tell your iOS 6.0 iPhone that you have a twitter or facebook account.
>As part of the ongoing development of my current game project (using cocos2d-iphone), I recently found myself facing yet another clone of the code required to animate an object within a scene.
Whilst it’s so easy to just grab code, plonk it in and modify it to suit your purposes, it’s a good idea to stop yourself every now and then and assess the damage.
I was finding that the code was becoming untidy, and it was time to do some refactoring. So, having recognised that all of my animated sprites were essentially being created the same way, I set about creating my CCAnimatedSprite class which is a subclass of CCSprite.
What it does is provide an easy to use constructor (to borrow a Java term) that, given the “name” of the spritesheet that contains the images that make up the animation, sets up the sprite object , all ready to go. From there its very simple to request an action object that can be used on it’s own, or as a part of a more complicated suite of actions.
So, to create an animated sprite, all you need is:<
CCAnimatedSprite *animSprite1 = [CCAnimatedSprite nodeWithSheetName:@"anim" andFrameCount:15];
What this does is create a CCSprite object that contains all the information it needs to animate 15 frames from a spritesheet called “anim_sheet.png”.
So, for this animated sprite there are two files it expects to find:
- “anim_sheet.plist” which is a standard cocos2d spritesheet description file.
- “anim_sheet.png” which is the spritesheet itself.
As you may have guessed, the names of the files are constructed using the sheet name passed into the constructor.
In additon to this, each frame within the animation is expected to have a name that takes the form:
<sheet name>_%02d.png
So this effectively means the animation will support up to 99 frames, where each frame name begins with the sheet name. Using the example above, a 5 frame animation would contain frames called:
To use the animation, it can be as simple as:
CCAnimatedSprite *animSprite1 = [CCAnimatedSprite nodeWithSheetName:@"anim"
[animSprite1 setPosition:CGPointMake(300.0, 257.0)];
[self addChild:animSprite1 z:10];
[animSprite1 animate];
where the call to [animSprite1 animate] essentially tells the animation to run forever.
If you need to embed the animation within a suite of actions that have the sprite moving on the screen in some fashion, you can use the “animationAction” method to get a CCAnimate action object:
CCAnimatedSprite *animSprite2 = [CCAnimatedSprite nodeWithSheetName:@"anim"
[animSprite2 setPosition:CGPointMake(20.0, 157.0)];
[animSprite2 setScale:3.0];
[self addChild:animSprite2 z:10];
[animSprite2 runAction:[CCRepeatForever actionWithAction:
[CCSpawn actions:
[CCRepeat actionWithAction:[animSprite2 animationAction] times:6],
[CCSequence actions:
[CCMoveTo actionWithDuration:2.5 position:CGPointMake(880.0, 157.0)],
[CCMoveTo actionWithDuration:2.5 position:CGPointMake(20.0, 157.0)],
You can get the code and a very simple sample project from: http://www.pkclsoft.com/downloads/AnimatedSprite.zip
As part of the ongoing development of my current game project (using cocos2d-iphone), I recently found myself facing yet another clone of the code required to animate an object within a scene.
Whilst it’s so easy to just grab code, plonk it in and modify it to suit your purposes, it’s a good idea to stop yourself every now and then and assess the damage.
I was finding that the code was becoming untidy, and it was time to do some refactoring. So, having recognised that all of my animated sprites were essentially being created the same way, I set about creating my CCAnimatedSprite class which is a subclass of CCSprite.
What it does is provide an easy to use constructor (to borrow a Java term) that, given the “name” of the spritesheet that contains the images that make up the animation, sets up the sprite object , all ready to go. From there its very simple to request an action object that can be used on it’s own, or as a part of a more complicated suite of actions.
So, to create an animated sprite, all you need is:<
CCAnimatedSprite *animSprite1 = [CCAnimatedSprite nodeWithSheetName:@"anim" andFrameCount:15];
What this does is create a CCSprite object that contains all the information it needs to animate 15 frames from a spritesheet called “anim_sheet.png”.
So, for this animated sprite there are two files it expects to find:
- “anim_sheet.plist” which is a standard cocos2d spritesheet description file.
- “anim_sheet.png” which is the spritesheet itself.
As you may have guessed, the names of the files are constructed using the sheet name passed into the constructor.
In additon to this, each frame within the animation is expected to have a name that takes the form:
So this effectively means the animation will support up to 99 frames, where each frame name begins with the sheet name. Using the example above, a 5 frame animation would contain frames called:
To use the animation, it can be as simple as:
CCAnimatedSprite *animSprite1 = [CCAnimatedSprite nodeWithSheetName:@"anim"
[animSprite1 setPosition:CGPointMake(300.0, 257.0)];
[self addChild:animSprite1 z:10];
[animSprite1 animate];
where the call to [animSprite1 animate] essentially tells the animation to run forever.
If you need to embed the animation within a suite of actions that have the sprite moving on the screen in some fashion, you can use the “animationAction” method to get a CCAnimate action object:
CCAnimatedSprite *animSprite2 = [CCAnimatedSprite nodeWithSheetName:@"anim"
[animSprite2 setPosition:CGPointMake(20.0, 157.0)];
[animSprite2 setScale:3.0];
[self addChild:animSprite2 z:10];
[animSprite2 runAction:[CCRepeatForever actionWithAction:
[CCSpawn actions:
[CCRepeat actionWithAction:[animSprite2 animationAction] times:6],
[CCSequence actions:
[CCMoveTo actionWithDuration:2.5 position:CGPointMake(880.0, 157.0)],
[CCMoveTo actionWithDuration:2.5 position:CGPointMake(20.0, 157.0)],
You can get the code and a very simple sample project from: http://www.pkclsoft.com/downloads/AnimatedSprite.zip
So, uAlertMe has been on sale for just over week now. Where do we stand? What works, what doesn’t, and what needs improving?
The good:
Overall, the feedback I’m getting is that it does what I intended. It works, and most people seem happy.
The bad:
Well I haven’t really had any negative feedback so far that I would consider bad. There have been no crash reports sent through which is great. One user had trouble connecting to his Mac, but that sort of thing is problematic at best when you consider firewalls, and routers, etc.
The ugly:
One user has commented that it’s a bit ugly to look at, and that it should be a free app with iAd integrated. Yes, my graphics are probably a bit rough, but I thought that for a utility app it looked OK.
There are people out there willing to create great graphics for me, but they cost, and given that I never expected to get rich off uAlertMe I thought that what I had done was reasonable.
What do you think? Please leave a comment here if there is something you’d like to see added, or changed. It’s early days yet, and I obviously have some marketing lessons to go through, but I’m keen to improve the app where I can.
So, let me know.
>For some time now I’ve been working on the open-source project called iAlertU, found at: sourceforge.net/projects/ialertu/.
One of the first things I did on the project was change the way it sent email. I didn’t like the dependence on the user having to use Apple Mail for their email. I guess I’m a Thunderbird user from way back.
A lot of people these days just use online email such as Gmail. I do, if for no other reason than their wonderful anti-spam filters.
So, in order to make iAlertU independant of any specific email client, I wrote what started out as a fairly simple client in Java. This started out as a snippet of example code from Sun, that was integrated into my PortaBill application, but over the past year or so, it has grown a bit in complexity in order to meet the needs of iAlertU and the growing community of Mac users out that that are installing it.
As users of iAlertU have pointed out weaknesses in the email client due to the many and varied email configurations, jsendmail has grown in features. It’s still only a single Java class, and it’s not a lot of code, but it represents many hours of searching and debugging to try and get a client that can do everything I need.
jsendmail is a simple console application. iAlertU runs it behind the scenes, passing arguments to tell it where to find the email body and any images that need to be sent. It can also be used independently.
The original command syntax was modelled on mini_sendmail, and similar linux client that I use occasionally.
So, with the gentle prompting of an iAlertU user, I decided to post the code here. If there’s enough interest, I’ll put it on sourceforge.
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Vector;
import javax.activation.DataHandler;
import javax.activation.DataSource;
import javax.activation.FileDataSource;
import javax.mail.Address;
import javax.mail.Authenticator;
import javax.mail.BodyPart;
import javax.mail.Message;
import javax.mail.MessagingException;
import javax.mail.Multipart;
import javax.mail.PasswordAuthentication;
import javax.mail.Session;
import javax.mail.Transport;
import javax.mail.internet.AddressException;
import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress;
import javax.mail.internet.MimeBodyPart;
import javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage;
import javax.mail.internet.MimeMultipart;
* @author Peter Easdown
* http://www.pkclsoft.com
* @version 1.1
public class JSendmail {
private static final int SMTP = 0;
private static final int SMTPS = 1;
private static Vector ccList = new Vector();
private static Vector attachmentList = new Vector();
private static String toAddr;
private static String subject;
private static String serverName;
private static File messageFile;
private static InputStream input;
private static String username;
private static String password;
private static String fromAddress;
private static String contentType;
private static int serverPort = -1;
private static int smtpMode = SMTP;
private static final String SMTP_TITLE[] = {"smtp", "smtps"};
* Validates command line parameters and executes main function if valid.
* @param args - The command line parameters
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Process the arguments.
if (args.length < 5) {
printUsage("Too few arguments.");
int argIndex = 0;
while ((argIndex < args.length) && (serverName == null)) {
if (args[argIndex].equals("-f")) {
if (messageFile != null) {
printUsage("Only one instance of \"-f\" option allowed");
} else if (argIndex < args.length) {
messageFile = new File(args[argIndex]);
if (!messageFile.exists()) {
printUsage("-f filename <" + args[argIndex] + "> does not exist!");
} else {
printUsage("-f requires filename parameter");
} else if (args[argIndex].equals("-s")) {
if (subject != null) {
printUsage("Only one instance of \"-s\" option allowed");
} else if (argIndex < args.length) {
subject = args[argIndex++];
} else {
printUsage("-s requires string parameter");
} else if (args[argIndex].equals("-c")) {
if (ccList.contains(args[argIndex])) {
printUsage("CC address: " + args[argIndex] + " is specified more than once");
} else if (argIndex < args.length) {
String newAddr = args[argIndex++];
if (newAddr.indexOf('@') == -1) {
printUsage("CC address is invalid, must contain \"@\"");
} else {
printUsage("-c requires string parameter");
} else if (args[argIndex].equals("-a")) {
if (attachmentList.contains(args[argIndex])) {
printUsage("attachment: " + args[argIndex] + " is specified more than once");
} else if (argIndex < args.length) {
File newAttachment = new File(args[argIndex]);
if (!newAttachment.exists()) {
printUsage("attachment: " + args[argIndex] + " does not exist.");
} else if (newAttachment.isDirectory()) {
printUsage("attachment: " + args[argIndex] + " must not be a directory.");
} else {
} else {
printUsage("-a requires string parameter");
} else if (args[argIndex].equals("-u")) {
if (username == null) {
if (argIndex < args.length) {
username = args[argIndex++];
} else {
printUsage("-u requires string parameter");
} else {
printUsage("-u may only be specified once");
} else if (args[argIndex].equals("-p")) {
if (password == null) {
if (argIndex < args.length) {
password = args[argIndex++];
} else {
printUsage("-p requires string parameter");
} else {
printUsage("-p may only be specified once");
} else if (args[argIndex].equals("-sp")) {
if (serverPort == -1) {
if (argIndex < args.length) {
try {
serverPort = Integer.parseInt(args[argIndex++]);
} catch (Exception e) {
printUsage("-sp requires integer parameter");
} else {
printUsage("-sp requires integer parameter");
} else {
printUsage("-sp may only be specified once");
} else if (args[argIndex].equals("-ct")) {
if (argIndex < args.length) {
contentType = args[argIndex++];
} else if (args[argIndex].equals("-ssl")) {
if (smtpMode == SMTPS) {
printUsage("-ssl may only be specified once");
} else {
smtpMode = SMTPS;
} else if (args[argIndex].equals("-from")) {
if (fromAddress == null) {
if (argIndex < args.length) {
fromAddress = args[argIndex++];
} else {
printUsage("-from requires string parameter");
} else {
printUsage("-from may only be specified once");
} else if (toAddr == null) {
toAddr = args[argIndex++];
if (toAddr.indexOf('@') == -1) {
printUsage("send to address (" + toAddr + ") is invalid, must contain \"@\"");
} else if (serverName == null) {
serverName = args[argIndex++];
if (fromAddress == null) {
fromAddress = System.getProperty("user.name") + "@" + serverName;
if (messageFile != null) {
try {
input = new FileInputStream(messageFile);
catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
printUsage("Unable to open file: " + messageFile.getPath());
} else {
input = System.in;
if (username == null) {
// Default the username.
username = System.getProperty("user.name");
if ((toAddr == null) || (serverName == null) ||
(username == null) || (password == null)) {
printUsage("Not enough arguments");
if (serverPort == -1) {
serverPort = 25;
if (contentType == null) {
contentType = "text/plain";
new JSendmail();
private static void printUsage(String reason) {
System.out.println("JSendmail: " + reason);
System.out.println("JSendmail usage:");
System.out.println(" JSendmail [-f filename] [-s \"str\"] [-c ccaddress] [-a attachment]");
System.out.println(" [-from fromaddress] [-u username] [-p password]");
System.out.println(" [-sp port] [-ssl] toaddress viaserver \"text\"");
System.out.println(" -f filename - Specifies that the text of the message be read from the file \"filename\" instead");
System.out.println(" of standard input.");
System.out.println(" -s \"str\" - Specifies the subject of the email to be sent.");
System.out.println(" -c ccaddress - The email address of some to add to the CC list.");
System.out.println(" -a attachment - The path of an attachment to add to the email.");
System.out.println(" toaddress - The email address to which the email will be sent.");
System.out.println(" viaserver - The hostname of the mail server via which the email will be sent.");
System.out.println(" -u username - the username with which to authenticate, defaults to currently logged in username.");
System.out.println(" -p password - the password with which to authenticate.");
System.out.println(" -sp port - the port number to connect with.");
System.out.println(" -ssl - Instructs jsendmail to use SSL when connecting to the SMTP server.");
System.out.println(" -ct type - the content type of the email, defaults to \"text/plain\"");
System.out.println(" \"text\" - the actual text of the message as read from standard input.");
System.out.println("Note that if no -fromaddress option is specified, then the currently logged in username is used");
System.out.println("in the form @viaserver.");
private JSendmail() {
Properties props = System.getProperties();
// Set up the mail server.
props.put("mail." + SMTP_TITLE[smtpMode] + ".host", serverName);
props.put("mail." + SMTP_TITLE[smtpMode] + ".auth", "true");
props.put("mail.smtp.connectiontimeout", "120000");
props.put("mail.smtp.timeout", "120000");
props.put("mail.smtp.starttls.enable", "true");
boolean sent = false;
String reason = null;
Session session = Session.getInstance(props, new SMTPAuthenticator(username, password));
// Create a new message --
Message msg = new MimeMessage(session);
// Set the FROM and TO fields --
try {
try {
msg.addFrom(new Address[] {new InternetAddress(fromAddress, fromAddress.substring(0, fromAddress.indexOf('@')))});
msg.addRecipient(Message.RecipientType.TO, new InternetAddress(
toAddr.substring(0, toAddr.indexOf('@'))));
msg.setReplyTo(new Address[] {new InternetAddress(fromAddress, fromAddress.substring(0, fromAddress.indexOf('@')))});
// -- Set the subject and body text --
if (subject != null) {
if (ccList.size() > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i< ccList.size(); i++) {
String ccAddr = (String)ccList.elementAt(i);
msg.addRecipient(Message.RecipientType.CC, new InternetAddress(ccAddr, ccAddr.substring(0, ccAddr.indexOf('@'))));
// -- Set some other header information --
msg.setSentDate(new Date());
byte[] bytes = new byte[input.available()];
input.read(bytes, 0, input.available());
if (attachmentList.isEmpty()) {
msg.setContent(new String(bytes), contentType);
} else {
// Create the message part
BodyPart messageBodyPart = new MimeBodyPart();
// Fill the message
messageBodyPart.setContent(new String(bytes), contentType);
Multipart multipart = new MimeMultipart();
// Part two is attachment
for (int i =0; i < attachmentList.size(); i++) {
messageBodyPart = new MimeBodyPart();
DataSource source = new FileDataSource(attachmentList.elementAt(i));
messageBodyPart.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(source));
// Put parts in message
Transport trans = session.getTransport(SMTP_TITLE[smtpMode]);
try {
// -- Send the message --
trans.connect(serverName, serverPort, username, password);
trans.sendMessage(msg, msg.getAllRecipients());
} finally {
sent = true;
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e1) {
sent = false;
reason = e1.getMessage();
} catch (IOException e) {
sent = false;
reason = e.getMessage();
} catch (AddressException e) {
sent = false;
if (e.getMessage() != null) {
reason = e.getMessage().trim();
} else if (e.toString() != null) {
reason = e.toString();
} else {
reason = "Unknown";
if (e.getCause() != null) {
reason = reason + "\n" + e.getCause().getMessage().trim();
} catch (MessagingException e) {
sent = false;
if (e.getMessage() != null) {
reason = e.getMessage().trim();
} else if (e.toString() != null) {
reason = e.toString();
} else {
reason = "Unknown";
if (e.getNextException() != null) {
if (e.getNextException().getMessage() != null) {
reason = reason + "\n" + e.getNextException().getMessage().trim();
if (e.getCause() != null) {
reason = reason + "\n" + e.getCause().getMessage().trim();
if (!sent) {
System.out.println("JSendmail unable to send: " + reason);
} else {
public class SMTPAuthenticator extends Authenticator {
private PasswordAuthentication authentic;
public SMTPAuthenticator(String username, String password) {
authentic = new PasswordAuthentication(username, password);
public PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() {
return authentic;
For some time now I’ve been working on the open-source project called iAlertU, found at: sourceforge.net/projects/ialertu/.
One of the first things I did on the project was change the way it sent email. I didn’t like the dependence on the user having to use Apple Mail for their email. I guess I’m a Thunderbird user from way back.
A lot of people these days just use online email such as Gmail. I do, if for no other reason than their wonderful anti-spam filters.
So, in order to make iAlertU independant of any specific email client, I wrote what started out as a fairly simple client in Java. This started out as a snippet of example code from Sun, that was integrated into my PortaBill application, but over the past year or so, it has grown a bit in complexity in order to meet the needs of iAlertU and the growing community of Mac users out that that are installing it.
As users of iAlertU have pointed out weaknesses in the email client due to the many and varied email configurations, jsendmail has grown in features. It’s still only a single Java class, and it’s not a lot of code, but it represents many hours of searching and debugging to try and get a client that can do everything I need.
jsendmail is a simple console application. iAlertU runs it behind the scenes, passing arguments to tell it where to find the email body and any images that need to be sent. It can also be used independently.
The original command syntax was modelled on mini_sendmail, and similar linux client that I use occasionally.
So, with the gentle prompting of an iAlertU user, I decided to post the code here. If there’s enough interest, I’ll put it on sourceforge.
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Vector;
import javax.activation.DataHandler;
import javax.activation.DataSource;
import javax.activation.FileDataSource;
import javax.mail.Address;
import javax.mail.Authenticator;
import javax.mail.BodyPart;
import javax.mail.Message;
import javax.mail.MessagingException;
import javax.mail.Multipart;
import javax.mail.PasswordAuthentication;
import javax.mail.Session;
import javax.mail.Transport;
import javax.mail.internet.AddressException;
import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress;
import javax.mail.internet.MimeBodyPart;
import javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage;
import javax.mail.internet.MimeMultipart;
* @author Peter Easdown
* http://www.pkclsoft.com
* @version 1.1
public class JSendmail {
private static final int SMTP = 0;
private static final int SMTPS = 1;
private static Vector ccList = new Vector();
private static Vector attachmentList = new Vector();
private static String toAddr;
private static String subject;
private static String serverName;
private static File messageFile;
private static InputStream input;
private static String username;
private static String password;
private static String fromAddress;
private static String contentType;
private static int serverPort = -1;
private static int smtpMode = SMTP;
private static final String SMTP_TITLE[] = {"smtp", "smtps"};
* Validates command line parameters and executes main function if valid.
* @param args - The command line parameters
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Process the arguments.
if (args.length < 5) {
printUsage("Too few arguments.");
int argIndex = 0;
while ((argIndex < args.length) && (serverName == null)) {
if (args[argIndex].equals("-f")) {
if (messageFile != null) {
printUsage("Only one instance of \"-f\" option allowed");
} else if (argIndex < args.length) {
messageFile = new File(args[argIndex]);
if (!messageFile.exists()) {
printUsage("-f filename <" + args[argIndex] + "> does not exist!");
} else {
printUsage("-f requires filename parameter");
} else if (args[argIndex].equals("-s")) {
if (subject != null) {
printUsage("Only one instance of \"-s\" option allowed");
} else if (argIndex < args.length) {
subject = args[argIndex++];
} else {
printUsage("-s requires string parameter");
} else if (args[argIndex].equals("-c")) {
if (ccList.contains(args[argIndex])) {
printUsage("CC address: " + args[argIndex] + " is specified more than once");
} else if (argIndex < args.length) {
String newAddr = args[argIndex++];
if (newAddr.indexOf('@') == -1) {
printUsage("CC address is invalid, must contain \"@\"");
} else {
printUsage("-c requires string parameter");
} else if (args[argIndex].equals("-a")) {
if (attachmentList.contains(args[argIndex])) {
printUsage("attachment: " + args[argIndex] + " is specified more than once");
} else if (argIndex < args.length) {
File newAttachment = new File(args[argIndex]);
if (!newAttachment.exists()) {
printUsage("attachment: " + args[argIndex] + " does not exist.");
} else if (newAttachment.isDirectory()) {
printUsage("attachment: " + args[argIndex] + " must not be a directory.");
} else {
} else {
printUsage("-a requires string parameter");
} else if (args[argIndex].equals("-u")) {
if (username == null) {
if (argIndex < args.length) {
username = args[argIndex++];
} else {
printUsage("-u requires string parameter");
} else {
printUsage("-u may only be specified once");
} else if (args[argIndex].equals("-p")) {
if (password == null) {
if (argIndex < args.length) {
password = args[argIndex++];
} else {
printUsage("-p requires string parameter");
} else {
printUsage("-p may only be specified once");
} else if (args[argIndex].equals("-sp")) {
if (serverPort == -1) {
if (argIndex < args.length) {
try {
serverPort = Integer.parseInt(args[argIndex++]);
} catch (Exception e) {
printUsage("-sp requires integer parameter");
} else {
printUsage("-sp requires integer parameter");
} else {
printUsage("-sp may only be specified once");
} else if (args[argIndex].equals("-ct")) {
if (argIndex < args.length) {
contentType = args[argIndex++];
} else if (args[argIndex].equals("-ssl")) {
if (smtpMode == SMTPS) {
printUsage("-ssl may only be specified once");
} else {
smtpMode = SMTPS;
} else if (args[argIndex].equals("-from")) {
if (fromAddress == null) {
if (argIndex < args.length) {
fromAddress = args[argIndex++];
} else {
printUsage("-from requires string parameter");
} else {
printUsage("-from may only be specified once");
} else if (toAddr == null) {
toAddr = args[argIndex++];
if (toAddr.indexOf('@') == -1) {
printUsage("send to address (" + toAddr + ") is invalid, must contain \"@\"");
} else if (serverName == null) {
serverName = args[argIndex++];
if (fromAddress == null) {
fromAddress = System.getProperty("user.name") + "@" + serverName;
if (messageFile != null) {
try {
input = new FileInputStream(messageFile);
catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
printUsage("Unable to open file: " + messageFile.getPath());
} else {
input = System.in;
if (username == null) {
// Default the username.
username = System.getProperty("user.name");
if ((toAddr == null) || (serverName == null) ||
(username == null) || (password == null)) {
printUsage("Not enough arguments");
if (serverPort == -1) {
serverPort = 25;
if (contentType == null) {
contentType = "text/plain";
new JSendmail();
private static void printUsage(String reason) {
System.out.println("JSendmail: " + reason);
System.out.println("JSendmail usage:");
System.out.println(" JSendmail [-f filename] [-s \"str\"] [-c ccaddress] [-a attachment]");
System.out.println(" [-from fromaddress] [-u username] [-p password]");
System.out.println(" [-sp port] [-ssl] toaddress viaserver \"text\"");
System.out.println(" -f filename - Specifies that the text of the message be read from the file \"filename\" instead");
System.out.println(" of standard input.");
System.out.println(" -s \"str\" - Specifies the subject of the email to be sent.");
System.out.println(" -c ccaddress - The email address of some to add to the CC list.");
System.out.println(" -a attachment - The path of an attachment to add to the email.");
System.out.println(" toaddress - The email address to which the email will be sent.");
System.out.println(" viaserver - The hostname of the mail server via which the email will be sent.");
System.out.println(" -u username - the username with which to authenticate, defaults to currently logged in username.");
System.out.println(" -p password - the password with which to authenticate.");
System.out.println(" -sp port - the port number to connect with.");
System.out.println(" -ssl - Instructs jsendmail to use SSL when connecting to the SMTP server.");
System.out.println(" -ct type - the content type of the email, defaults to \"text/plain\"");
System.out.println(" \"text\" - the actual text of the message as read from standard input.");
System.out.println("Note that if no -fromaddress option is specified, then the currently logged in username is used");
System.out.println("in the form @viaserver.");
private JSendmail() {
Properties props = System.getProperties();
// Set up the mail server.
props.put("mail." + SMTP_TITLE[smtpMode] + ".host", serverName);
props.put("mail." + SMTP_TITLE[smtpMode] + ".auth", "true");
props.put("mail.smtp.connectiontimeout", "120000");
props.put("mail.smtp.timeout", "120000");
props.put("mail.smtp.starttls.enable", "true");
boolean sent = false;
String reason = null;
Session session = Session.getInstance(props, new SMTPAuthenticator(username, password));
// Create a new message --
Message msg = new MimeMessage(session);
// Set the FROM and TO fields --
try {
try {
msg.addFrom(new Address[] {new InternetAddress(fromAddress, fromAddress.substring(0, fromAddress.indexOf('@')))});
msg.addRecipient(Message.RecipientType.TO, new InternetAddress(
toAddr.substring(0, toAddr.indexOf('@'))));
msg.setReplyTo(new Address[] {new InternetAddress(fromAddress, fromAddress.substring(0, fromAddress.indexOf('@')))});
// -- Set the subject and body text --
if (subject != null) {
if (ccList.size() > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i< ccList.size(); i++) {
String ccAddr = (String)ccList.elementAt(i);
msg.addRecipient(Message.RecipientType.CC, new InternetAddress(ccAddr, ccAddr.substring(0, ccAddr.indexOf('@'))));
// -- Set some other header information --
msg.setSentDate(new Date());
byte[] bytes = new byte[input.available()];
input.read(bytes, 0, input.available());
if (attachmentList.isEmpty()) {
msg.setContent(new String(bytes), contentType);
} else {
// Create the message part
BodyPart messageBodyPart = new MimeBodyPart();
// Fill the message
messageBodyPart.setContent(new String(bytes), contentType);
Multipart multipart = new MimeMultipart();
// Part two is attachment
for (int i =0; i < attachmentList.size(); i++) {
messageBodyPart = new MimeBodyPart();
DataSource source = new FileDataSource(attachmentList.elementAt(i));
messageBodyPart.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(source));
// Put parts in message
Transport trans = session.getTransport(SMTP_TITLE[smtpMode]);
try {
// -- Send the message --
trans.connect(serverName, serverPort, username, password);
trans.sendMessage(msg, msg.getAllRecipients());
} finally {
sent = true;
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e1) {
sent = false;
reason = e1.getMessage();
} catch (IOException e) {
sent = false;
reason = e.getMessage();
} catch (AddressException e) {
sent = false;
if (e.getMessage() != null) {
reason = e.getMessage().trim();
} else if (e.toString() != null) {
reason = e.toString();
} else {
reason = "Unknown";
if (e.getCause() != null) {
reason = reason + "\n" + e.getCause().getMessage().trim();
} catch (MessagingException e) {
sent = false;
if (e.getMessage() != null) {
reason = e.getMessage().trim();
} else if (e.toString() != null) {
reason = e.toString();
} else {
reason = "Unknown";
if (e.getNextException() != null) {
if (e.getNextException().getMessage() != null) {
reason = reason + "\n" + e.getNextException().getMessage().trim();
if (e.getCause() != null) {
reason = reason + "\n" + e.getCause().getMessage().trim();
if (!sent) {
System.out.println("JSendmail unable to send: " + reason);
} else {
public class SMTPAuthenticator extends Authenticator {
private PasswordAuthentication authentic;
public SMTPAuthenticator(String username, String password) {
authentic = new PasswordAuthentication(username, password);
public PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() {
return authentic;